Help Sustain a Noble Lineage
Myanmar holds a rare gem in its midst
The Buddha’s teaching has been passed from generation to generation in Myanmar for over 2500 years. It is now our responsibility to continue this legacy by supporting our meditation teachers and their study and meditation centers.
With your support, Saddhamma Foundation has worked continuously to improve the quality of life at the Panditarama Meditation Centers. Donations from international donors have helped us to ensure that there is clean drinking water, adequate food and nutrition, satisfactory kitchen hygiene and modern infrastructure within the center. Maintaining high, international standards helps us ensure that yogis will be healthy and able to practice intensively in a safe and supportive environment.
As the Myanmar economy continues to deteriorate, people's incomes and livelihoods have been affected. As a result, donations to the monasteries have been significantly reduced. Your generous donations are vital.

How Do We Give One Hundred Percent?
All donations we receive go directly to help support the needs of Panditarama and associated meditation centers and monasteries in Myanmar. Saddhamma Foundation volunteers freely offer many hours of service, grateful for the opportunity to support these precious Buddhist teachers and meditation centers.
Saddhamma Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

Your Donations Make
A Difference
Because of your generous donations, we continue to meet the centers' ongoing needs. Previously, your support has helped to:
Provide purified drinking water
Increase the amount of healthy, high protein foods served daily
Create critical hygiene curriculum in Burmese and provide the monasteries with new kitchen equipment and cleaning supplies
Build and renovate living quarters and other buildings
Support the training of young monks and nuns who are in training to be the meditation masters of the future